
  • 03/21/2023 8:53 AM | Anonymous

    MTC 4 Social Justice has an upcoming workshop Tuesday evening with an algebra/statistics lesson and important conversation on incarceration rates by demographics. See below for the registration link and more information.


     3/21 Registration


    Workshop Title: Incarceration in Connecticut

    Date/Time: Tuesday, March 21st, 6:30-8:00pm (EST) via Zoom

    Presenters: Taryn DiSorbo, Cheshire Public Schools; Nickie Pendolphi, Groton Public Schools; Bella Llano, University of Connecticut

    Description: The United States continues to have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Connecticut has taken steps to lower this rate, but how has the criminal justice system impacted different demographic groups? In this session, we will share our lesson that analyzes incarceration rates by race (or gender or age) in Connecticut in the past decade. We will use regression and Desmos to compare different rates over time and then shift our focus to critical conversations. What can be done to improve our system through restorative justice (for example)?

  • 03/07/2023 2:49 PM | Anonymous

    Simulated Instruction in Mathematics Professional Development (SIMPD) has demonstrated positive impacts on the quality of math instruction and AIR has received a grant to run a randomized control trial study where local coaches are trained and teachers participate in the professional development.  All costs and needed equipment are covered by the grant including compensation for teachers and coaches as well as training costs.  There will be an intervention cohort that will participate in training and data collect 2023-2024.  The “business as usual” cohort will just do data collection in 2023-2024 and receive the trainings in 2024-2025.


    Attached is the official flyer.


    The link for the study site is

    More on the original study is here

  • 03/02/2023 9:59 AM | Anonymous

    There is an exciting professional development opportunity for grade 7 math teachers who have English learners/multilingual learners in their classes. This opportunity is being offered through a partnership between the Connecticut State Department of Education, the Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands, and several other professional organizations in Connecticut.


    The Visual Access to Mathematics professional development course is being offered for free to grade 7 math teachers in Connecticut as part of a research study. In the Visual Access to Mathematics course, teachers from across Connecticut will deepen understanding of visual representations such as double number lines for grade 7 ratio and proportion content, and they will learn strategies that can be integrated with their current mathematics curriculum to support English learners/multilingual learners while also benefitting all students.

    Grade 7 teachers who wish to participate will either have the opportunity to engage in the professional development in 2023-2024 or in 2024-2025 as part of the study. For the 2023-24 school year, the professional development will involve:

    • Summer Institute: 3 day in-person workshop August 15-17, 2023; at a location TBD in Connecticut
    • Online sessions:  six school-year sessions that include asynchronous activities and a small-group videoconference meeting
    • Online workshops: Two school-year 2-hour videoconference workshops  

    All participating teachers will receive a $325 stipend for completion of project research activities and have the option to earn graduate credit with payment of a graduate credit course fee.

    We are currently enrolling grade 7 mathematics teachers for the 2023-2024 school year. Individual teachers are welcome, but we encourage school teams of teachers to join to support school learning communities and institutional knowledge. We have attached a flyer with more information and encourage you to share with colleagues.


    If you are a Grade 7 mathematics teacher or a school or district leader interested in learning more, complete this form to sign up for an information session. The sessions are expected to last about 20 minutes and are being offered as follows:

    • Monday, March 20th 3:30pm
    • Tuesday, March 21st 4:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 28th 3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 30th 3:00pm
    • Monday, April 3rd 3:00pm
    • Thursday, April 6th 3:30pm
  • 03/02/2023 9:55 AM | Anonymous
    “If I Knew Then, What I Know Now”

    A Virtual Computer Science Career Panel Discussion Wednesday March 22, 1:00 – 2:00 pm

    This panel discussion features rising talent from across the CS sector including representatives from Google, Match, , Moody's Investors Service and more!  Join us to learn how they took their early interest in STEM and pursued a variety of academic and certification pathways that ultimately led into successful tech careers. Check out the flyer here

    Direct Registration Link:



    Do you have a passion for computing and want to help others? Well there is a NEW opportunity for you. The Lt. Governor’s Computing Challenge is seeking mentors to support teachers and students in submitting to the Prototype or Development Challenge. See the attached flyer for additional information.


    Are you a teacher looking to participate in the Lt. Governor’s Computing Challenge or do you have students who are interested but you are not sure how to help? Teachers and students can now request a mentor to support completion of a submission to the Lt. Governor’s Computing Challenge. Simply complete the Mentor Request Form and the Lt. Governor’s Computing Challenge team will to match you with a mentor.

  • 02/22/2023 10:19 AM | Anonymous

    CSDE Launches Grades 3-5 Model Math Curricula and 6-8 Model Math Curricula Publisher Alignment Guides 

    The second phase of Connecticut Model Math Curricula is now available for district access and implementation. This phase includes the release of the grades 3-5 Model Math units of study with embedded financial literacy tasks. In addition, publisher alignment guides of high-quality vetted resources have been added to the 6-8 Model Math curricula. Both are designed to assist districts in implementing high quality, high impact mathematics curricula. All model curricula are available through GoOpenCT, Connecticut's open education resource digital library. The Academic Office has created an updated CSDE Model Curricula Quick Start Guide and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to support districts access. All inquiries can be directed to Chief Academic Officer Irene Parisi at

  • 02/15/2023 9:39 AM | Anonymous

    WestEd is running an IES study in New England of MathByExample, which are supplemental lessons for 4th and 5th-grade students. They are seeking educators in Connecticut who might be interested in hearing from their study team. Please see this website which further describes the program and study details. If interested, feel free to reach out directly to Kirk Walters.

  • 02/06/2023 9:08 AM | Anonymous

    Southern Connecticut State University is sponsoring a Mathematical Puzzle Programs (MaPP) High School Challenge! 

    Join us at SCSU on March 16th, 2023 for a competition for teams of 4-8 high school students, supported by the SCSU Mathematics Department and STEM Innovations and Leadership. Any high school in Connecticut is welcome to participate. We expect most participating schools to bring one team, but where there is exuberant interest or a large math team, a school may bring multiple teams.  Click here for details -

  • 02/01/2023 9:46 AM | Anonymous
    • AP Precalculus Webinar 


      • Expand AP with Impact: Bringing AP Precalculus to Your School, Wednesday, February 15th,  4:00PM to 5:00pm
      • AP Precalculus prepares a wide range of students to succeed in math they’ll encounter in college
      • Join us to learn how you can bring AP Precalculus to your school in the 2023-24 school year
      • This session will include an overview of course content as well as strategies for how you can offer this course to a diverse group of students next year.  There will be time for questions, and we encourage all schools/districts to invite their math team as well as anyone involved in advanced coursework. 
      • Please register in advance to receive the Zoom link for the webinar here: Registration Link

    AP Computer Science Principles Webinar


    • Expand AP with Impact: Increase Opportunities for Students through AP Computer Science Principles,Thursday, February 16th2:00PM to 2:45PM 
      • Please join us for this forty-five minute webinar featuring Isaiah Houtman, AP Computer Science Principles teacher at New Bedford High School (MA), and his students, as they share their experiences in this popular course.
      • AP Computer Science Principles is designed to attract a more diverse group of students by focusing on collaboration, creativity, and student choice in project selection.
      • This webinar is intended for counselors, teachers, and administrators at both current AP Computer Science Principles schools and new adopters to show how you can encourage students to enroll in the course and increase access for all students.
      • Please register in advance to receive the Zoom link for the webinar here: Registration Link
  • 01/17/2023 8:23 AM | Anonymous

    Hi mathematics educators!

    We hope you had a restful holiday season and we are excited for 5 fantastic workshops over the next 5 months, starting with one led by our own Scott Kapralos in 2 weeks. This exciting session will utilize data science tools to analyze skin tone representation in the media. See below for registration link and more information.

     1/24 Registration

    Workshop Title: Quantifying and Analyzing Skin Tone Representation in Popular Media

    Date/Time: Tuesday, January 24th, 6:30-8:00pm (EST) via Zoom

    Presenter: Scott Kapralos, CREC

    Description: Data Science is a burgeoning field of both study and opportunities for employment. But what does data science look like in a math classroom and how does this intersect with Social Justice? Join us as we investigate how colorism may play a role in popular media by analyzing media “manually” and with data science tools. This will lead us to ask “Does a disparity in skin tone representation exist in the media? What does this mean? What other questions or lines of inquiry could we pursue with these tools?” While this workshop is intended for adult learners, the content can be adjusted to meet the needs of students and extensive resources will be shared if you want to incorporate this in more depth in your classroom.

  • 01/17/2023 8:13 AM | Anonymous

    Sacred Heart University (SHU), home to CS-PLAN offers an array of professional learning opportunities for K-12 educators. As a Regional Partner, applications for the summer cohort of professional learning workshops are now open. Partial scholarships are available to teachers serving underrepresented students wishing to pursue professional learning for Computer Science Discoveries (CSD), Computer Science Principles (CSP), and Computer Science A (CSA). Use this link to apply for scholarships.

    Through CS-PLAN elementary teachers learn to conduct PD’s at their school for K-5 content teachers integrating computer science into core subjects. SHU also offers professional learning opportunities in Data Science Integration, Robotics and Automated Systems, and The Internet of Things. Districts can participate in CSforALL’s SCRIPT program, a workshop for teachers and administrators to design a K-12 CS pathway. 

    CS-PLAN Workshops will take place June 26-30, 2023 on the West Campus of SHU and some programming may be delivered directly on site in your district. To learn more about these programs please visit and apply on the CS-PLAN landing page or reach out to Susan Auchincloss at

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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