
  • 06/14/2023 8:08 AM | Anonymous

    2023 Intel Math Application 

    Apply today for the FREE 2023 K-8 Math Institute! 

    The Institute is funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and managed by the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) Department of Mathematical Sciences Professional Development Outreach Program.

    Intel Math is an intensive, 80-hour, content-based course that requires full participation including take home assignments. The course is designed for you as a learner to deepen your own understanding of the K-8 math content and connections between concepts. This is NOT a course on any resource or curriculum.

    This Intel Math Course will take place on the CCSU campus, in New Britain, CT

    Where: CCSU Campus, New Britain, CT

    When: July 10, 2023 to July 21, 2023

    Times: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (including two short breaks and for lunch on your own)

    Completion of the Intel Math summer course includes a $1,500 stipend for participating teachers. Teams of teachers from districts and schools as well as teachers from Connecticut Alliance School Districts will be given priority, but all interested teachers in grades K – 8 are encouraged to apply by completing the form found on the link below by June 30th.

    Participants will be notified of their acceptance by July 5th. If selected to participate, you will need to fully commit to the two-week course including attendance at all sessions and completion of assignments.

    Please send an email to Dr. Robin S. Kalder with any application questions and view this brochure for more information about Intel Math.

  • 06/13/2023 8:38 AM | Anonymous

    The Connecticut Financial Literacy Summit hosted by Connecticut Jump$tart will take place this summer on August 1st and 2nd at Foxwoods. This special two-day event is intended to support teachers in their efforts to prepare students for their financial futures. There is a registration fee that will be refunded following attendance at this summer financial literacy professional development opportunity. Please visit for more details and to register.

  • 05/22/2023 8:00 AM | Anonymous

    There will be a meeting for teachers who are interested in talking about how to "fill in the gaps" in BTC, i.e. provide further detail on implementation that teachers can use, so that they benefit from the wisdom of each other and don't have to learn everything about implementation from their own trial and error. We hope this turns into a robust and supportive community of practice. The first meeting will be on June 30th, 9am-noonish, at the Milford BoE. Register here, no cost.

    Don't forget to check out the updated the BTC website

  • 05/17/2023 1:41 PM | Anonymous

    Hello Connecticut Grade 7 mathematics teachers!

    The Visual Access to Mathematics (VAM) professional learning project is currently open to grade 7 math teachers in Connecticut, but to guarantee a spot in this opportunity, you need to act soon. There are two remaining scheduled 30-minute Zoom information sessions (on May 23rd at 4:00pm and on May 25th at 3:30pm). To sign up for one of these information sessions, or to let us know you are interested but cannot make it to either information session, complete this interest form as soon as possible: VAM interest form.


    At the information session program leads will share highlights about the VAM course, the research study, and the associated $850 stipend, and will answer any questions you may have. A few key benefits for teachers are as follows (and a flyer with more information is attached): 

    ·        Improve teaching and learning of grade 7 mathematics (ratio and proportion) content for all students and in particular for multilingual learners/English learners.

    ·        Teacher stipend of $850.

    ·        Option to register for graduate credit for a fee.

    ·        Opportunities to connect & engage with educators state-wide.

    Let us know you’re interested a.s.a.p. (by the end of May to guarantee a spot) by filling out the VAM interest form! This opportunity is being offered through a partnership between the Connecticut State Department of Education, the Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands, and several other professional organizations in Connecticut (including ATOMIC).

  • 05/08/2023 10:28 AM | Anonymous

    Visual Access to Mathematics Research Study: Calling all grade 7 math teachers with at least one English learners/multilingual learners in their class to participate in the Visual Access to Mathematics professional development course. This professional learning is being offered for free and participating teachers will receive an $850 stipend. For the 2023-24 school year, the professional development will involve:

    • Summer Institute: 3 day in-person workshop August 15-17, 2023; at a location TBD in Connecticut
    • Online sessions:  six school-year sessions that include asynchronous activities and a small-group videoconference meeting
    • Online workshops: Two school-year 2-hour videoconference workshops  

    Complete this form to sign up for an information session.


    NCSM 2023 Summer Leadership Academy: Be the Change: Leading Equity Work from a Coaching Stance This will be held July 24-26, 2023 in West Hartford, CT from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm EDT at the West Hartford Conference Center, 50 S Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06107. It is intended for PK-16 mathematics education leaders, teams, and individuals. Participants will examine the structures, actions, and mindsets necessary to lead effective and equitable mathematics programs. Visit the website for more information and to register.

  • 05/08/2023 8:37 AM | Anonymous

    Defined Learning Launchpad: Supporting Learner Success Through Defined Learning 

    In partnership with the CSDE, Defined Learning is offering a one-day in-person workshop for Connecticut educators at no cost. This immersive and collaborative experience brings together instructional coaches and educators and is focused on working through performance tasks and developing a classroom plan for implementing the use of Defined Learning resources.


    Participants may choose to attend this in-person workshop on May 17th or May 18th from 9:00 AM - 1:45 PM. For more information and to register for our in-person professional learning workshop, please follow the link below.


    Workshop Registration

  • 04/20/2023 12:54 PM | Anonymous

    CCLM is excited to announce two great opportunities for secondary school teachers and especially math leaders! Each session will address two topics of very high interest. We will use a roundtable format, but we also will have special guests attending each session. Both sessions will be moderated by Past President John Keogh. 


    Both sessions are virtual. 

    Session B: Thursday May 4 2:30-3:45 

    Session C: Wednesday May 10 2:30-3:45 



    Session B: the two topics (both based on Pillar #2 from the Math Equity Position paper) are (1) How do we enhance the relevance of math for our students? and (2) How are you diversifying pathways or what new courses are you offering to meet the needs of your students? 

    Session C: the two topics are (1) What should algebra 2 look like and how important is this course for your students? and (2) What is your school or district doing to meet the Essential Condition that we implement high-quality curriculum?  


    These two sessions are FREE for all current individual or district members. 


    If you are NOT a current member, we have great news for you! By registering for either session and paying the $25 membership fee (which will be invoiced to you by our treasurer), your membership will be extended until June of 2024!! 


    You can register by filling out the very short form at  


    We anticipate two great sessions of high relevance to your work!!! 

  • 04/17/2023 8:13 AM | Anonymous


    TEACH Connecticut is thrilled to launch a 2023 Scholarship Program for Future STEM Teachers. This program plans to award $200,000 in scholarships this coming academic year in an effort to increase the amount of qualified and diverse STEM teachers in our pipelines. You can learn more about the scholarship on the attached flyer and here on our TEACH Connecticut STEM Hub!

    If you are interested in joining us on this journey as a STEM Ambassador or learning more about this opportunity, feel free to reach out directly to Cheyenne or Ashley via email or you can use this link to set up a virtual meeting to learn more and ask any questions you may have!

    Also check out the STEM events for the month of April on the attached flyer from Teach

  • 03/30/2023 1:50 PM | Anonymous

    College Board Digital Test Platform Webinar:  College Board is launching a New Digital Test Platform for school year 2023-24.  Two informational TEAMs webinars have been scheduled to provide information and give educators an opportunity to ask questions.  Please register using the following links:

    Register for May 2 from 10-11:30 AM     

    Register for May 11 from 12:30-2:00 PM


    Financial Literacy Month and Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month April marks an important month in education. This month we celebrate both Financial Literacy Month and Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month. This is an opportunity for schools to encourage students and their families to engage in learning that sets the foundation for a bright future. It is critical for students to be financially literate and to understand mathematics and statistics as important drivers in our current world. The Connecticut State Department of Education encourages districts, schools and informal education partners to promote this month by checking out the attached CSDE - PD Playlist Financial Literacy Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month. Together we can increase financial knowledge and appreciate the diverse applications of mathematics and statistics.

    NCSM 2023 Summer Leadership Academy: Be the Change: Leading Equity Work from a Coaching Stance This will be held July 24-26, 2023 in West Hartford, CT from  8:30 am to 4:30 pm EDT at the West Hartford Conference Center, 50 S Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06107. It is intended for PK-16 mathematics education leaders, teams, and individuals. Participants will examine the structures, actions, and mindsets necessary to lead effective and equitable mathematics programs. Visit the website for more information and to register.

  • 03/28/2023 3:50 PM | Anonymous

    Infosys Foundation USA is partnering with CSisElementary to host CSK5, the Online Summit for K-5 CS Education on March 30th.  All are invited you to attend, and to share this opportunity with your colleagues. . It’s two hours, online, free, and packed with actionable resources and information for CS and STEM programs. Please register, and see the iagenda below.

    K-5 Solutions Showcase. Breakout presentations on the best in K-5 CS solutions: Google CS First & Blockly,, MakeyMakey, Scratch Foundation, Amazon Fulfillment Center Tours, Microsoft MakeCode, and more, plus breakthrough innovations from new providers.
    Schools That Show the Way. Lighting round profiles from the first cadre of CS100 Award Winners—schools that teach 100% of their K-5 students CS.
    Showcase Districts. The district that drove graduation rates from 66th to 16th using STEM & CS for all students… the one-school predominantly Hispanic district where a Super’s determination is changing all his kids’ lives… the district with 42 elementary schools that teaches CS to every child AND makes its curriculum available as a free open-source resource to all… one of America's largest districts of 200+ elementary schools that teaches every child computer science.
    State Breakout Sessions from every state on K-5 CS programs, resources, standards and inspiration.



The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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